Friday, December 24, 2010

Dry-dock FAQs...

I know there are a ton of questions out there about what it means to put a ship through dry-dock.  I get them on Facebook and also through email and even in person... so, in order to address some of those questions my crack media team (actually it was MC3 Katherine Barkley) has compiled a short list of some frequently asked questions.   Send more... we'll get you an answer!

MCC Joe Kane

FAQ’s about USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) Dry Dock Period Maintenance Availability 
Compiled by MC3 K Barkley
What are some changes/upgrades BHR will have during the DPMA?
a.       Updates to the flight deck to accommodate the new MV-22 Osprey and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft
b.      Computer Network upgrades and divisions will receive new/updated computers equipment
c.       The hull preservation -- ship will receive 5-6 coats of paint (about 200,000 gallons!)
d.      Navigation System upgrades and additional internal system upgrades       

2)      How long will BHR be “in the yards”? Approximately 9 months total time, including the dry-dock at NASSCO from Dec. 2010-April 2011

3)       What is the working environment like for BHR Sailors? It is an industrial construction type environment and Sailors must wear personal protection equipment (PPE) at all times in the shipyard and while on the ship. Sailors must maintain 360-degree awareness for shipyard hazards.

4)      How much will dry-dock upgrades cost? Approx. $100 million

5)      Why is USS Bonhomme Richard dry-docked, why do ships have to go through dry-dock?
The dry-docking process is necessary because all ships must undergo periodic maintenance that cannot be performed while at-sea, such as hull preservation. These repairs are necessary to keep U.S. Navy ships in top shape to support any maritime strategy or presence they may called upon to undertake.
If you have questions about BHR post them here or email

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